Obtaining information about your CBSE exams was never this easy! But now, you can get possibly all the information at the click of a mouse. All that students have to do now is download the recently launched app, UMANG, and they can avail services like location of their exam centres and CBSE results on their mobile phones. That’s not all! The app can also be used to search for AICTE approved institutions and courses besides accessing NCERT content class-wise and subject-wise.
UMANG, short for Unified Mobile Application for New-Age Governance, has been developed by the government of India with an aim to make numerous government services available on one platform. Information regarding education is just one of the services which it will provide. UMANG aims to provide 1200+ services of various government departments from Centre, State and utility services.
The application is still being developed. At present, however, it hosts 162 services from 33 government departments of central and state governments. Services like applying for Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), online registration for various hospitals for booking an appointment or payment of various utility bills can be made through the app.
Available in 13 languages (english, hindi, assamese, bengali, gujarati, kannada, odia, marathi, punjabi, malyalam, telegu, tamil and urdu), UMANG is available for download for both android and Apple phone users.
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