
Seven interesting food facts for children that you must know

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We want our children to excel in their schools, find their way through the life and remain healthy and active throughout the day doing all the important chores. One way to nurture them in the best possible way is to feed them healthy and nutritious food. There is also an old saying, “What we eat defines us”. Thus, here we bring you seven interesting facts about food, following which you can ensure a happy and healthy child.

1. Always ensure your child eats one citrus fruit in the breakfast. Studies show that citrus fruits not only enhance your immune system but also help you ward off cold. Citrus fruits like water melon, oranges, melon are strongly recommended in breakfast. Also keep in mind, never pair up citrus fruits with milk.

2. If fruits are not available, a raw tomato can be given. If your kid is a fussy eater and doesn’t like fruits or tomatoes, home-made tomato spread can be given on a whole grain sandwich or chapati.

READ ALSO: Six ways to develop breakfast habit among children this vacation

3. We all know about the goodness of Omega-3 and how it is important for brain growth and development. Fatty fish such as Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have proved that children having high intake of Omega-3 have higher mental skills than the average children. Salmon sandwiches made with whole wheat bread are always a better health alternative over tuna sandwich.

4. In Indian homes, milk is considered an essential dietary food item for children of all ages. But if your child does not like milk, offer him/her curd. Flavoured curds can be tempting to fussy eaters.

5. One may say, “An egg a day, keeps the doctor away.” Egg is a source of folate, Vitamin A, iron, zinc, iodine and Omega-3 and naturally nutritious for children. Eggs are so versatile and can be made into nutritious recipes. Even a raw egg can be given in a milk to children. Egg white contains protein only. Egg yolk contains fat, some protein and most vitamins and minerals.

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6. Whole grains and cereals are also essential to be included in the breakfast of the children. Traditional stuffed roti (paranthas) might not be good for you because of calories intake, but it is absolutely needed by the kids. Calories taken in morning will fuel them for throughout the day.

7. Last, but not the least, avoid processed foods and ready to eat food options for children. Nothing takes over the freshly-made food.

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