
Scholarship for undergraduate courses in Japan now open

The Japanese Government Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology : MEXT) for the year 2020 is now open for application to interested candidates, for studying in Japanese Universities (Undergraduate level), Colleges of Technology, and Specialised Training Colleges.

Undergraduate Students Programme consists of 4 years of Bachelor’s degree course plus 1 year of Japanese language training. When successfully completed, Bachelor’s degree is provided.

College of Technology Students Program consists of 3 years of Associate degree course plus 1 year of Japanese language training. Colleges of Technology impart practical and professional engineering education based on an integrated system, with general learning and specialised learning organised systematically.

Specialized Training College Students Programme consists of 2 years of Associate certificate course plus 1 year of Japanese language training. Specialised Training Colleges are vocational schools that run courses in specialised subjects at the higher education level.

The scholarship benefits are:

  1. free matriculation fees (Rs 1,76,250 (approx) in case of National University)
  2. free tuition fees (Rs 3,34,800/year (approx) in case of National University)
  3. monthly stipend (Rs 73,000/month (approx))
  4. one return air ticket

Total benefit is equivalent to Rs 62.3 lakh (approx) for 5 years in case of National University.

The deadline for submitting the application is 14 June 2019. For further details on scholarship terms, application procedure, and to download the prescribed application form, visit:

Selected MEXT Scholarship Students will be required to travel to Japan in April 2020.

For more details, contact:    Japan Information Centre, Embassy of Japan, New Delhi – 110021

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