Now that the board results are out and things have settled down, it is time to plan your next move. But those of you who have scored less marks or failed in exams, it is an opportunity to discover a path of your interest says The Peeper Times mentor Prof ML Bhan.
Dear students,
It is running June month of the year 2017 with full bloom of heat, as every year. The results of the 10th and 12th class students are out bringing good news for many of you and also bad news for some of you who have either failed or acquired low merit. I am sure that these students with bad results must be feeling bad and somewhat desperate also. It is for them that I write, to share their despondency and help them to surmount the depressive state of life as much as possible.
Dear students. You must be feeling bad with your results this year. But remember, failure and success are just relative terms showing how much you can go moving on the paths of your life. As a student, you select a path of reading a course to achieve a degree. If you fail, it can mean either you have not worked hard to move on the path or you feel dislike or disinterested in treading over this path. You can then consult your parent as well as teacher, select your path afresh fitting your interest in life.
Parents of such students too should not shirk their responsibility towards them. They can lovingly and somewhat determinedly, draw out the real interests of students and also the real causes of their bad performance in the examinations they appeared. Knowing facts about the bad performance of their student, they can rethink and reshape the future of their students’ careers, if need be, with full agreement and interest of student. Parents, I repeat, have greater role in shaping their career, by having a very positive approach all along, towards the good and bad works of students, till they are adolescent and capable of marching in life alone. Remember parents, a child protected and goaded well at early age, grows and blooms well at later age to the benefit of family and society at large.
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