The CBSE board exams are just around the corner. Which means the pressure to study more is already there. And so is the anxiety and stress among students, esp. those who have, so far, not fared well in their school exams. How to concentrate is a major concern? While it is time to get serious about studies, there certainly is no need to panic. There is still ample time for students to make up for the loss.
Below are 10 ways to help you study successfully and emerge victorious in your exams.
1) Why do you want to study?
Whenever, you sit to study a subject, try to think of some cogent reasons why you want to know about it. This will help build concentration and prepare you to study more effectively.
2) Make a time-table
Planning your study and timing is a good way to help concentrate. This will help you keep a check on day-dreaming or procrastination and always remind you that time is ticking away.
3) Write down whatever you study
Keep a pencil and paper ready. As each selection is studied, write down whatever you can recall. Do this until you are able to recall the whole selection.
4) Make notes
This is different from point 3. It is your summarized version of the syllabus. It helps you go back to the learning when actual study period is over. Also, you tend to remember far longer once you have written something down yourself.
5) Don’t make any excuses
Stop grumbling or making any excuses. “It is so cold; subject is uninteresting; chair is uncomfortable;” and so on. These or other excuses may be genuine, but it is time to either remove these distractions or learn to study and concentrate in spite of them, that is, exert will and force yourself to study and concentrate hard.
6) Remind yourself about the gains
Not every subject is going to be of your interest. And that is a real challenge – tackling the boredom and resistance that comes with subjects of least interest. In this case, the best way to motivate is to remind yourself of what you have to gain by passing this examination – subjects/college of your choice, interesting work, more self-confidence/self-respect, etc.
7) Study with friends
It is always a good idea to study with your friends. This not only makes the activity interesting but also enhances your understanding of the subject. Fix a time, either morning or evening, reserve a few hours, say two hours daily, for studying. This method is especially helpful for studying subjects which you are not very good at. Self- discipline is a key here. Ensure you study and not waste time gossiping.
8) Meditate
There are going to be days when you will find yourself anxious. As exams approach, so will the nervousness. If you are not in the right frame of mind, you are unlikely to be able to concentrate on your studies. Relax. First thing you need to do is calm your nerves. This is where meditation helps. Listen to your favourite song, pray if you want to – do things that will help you calm and control your thoughts.
9) Strong will-power
Sit down with a strong intention to complete certain portions of study within a specified time. Then study them as if you have to appear for the exam tomorrow.
10) Motivate yourself
Self-motivation is the biggest drive towards achieving your goals. So keep telling yourself things like, “I like my subjects; I will study with full attention; I can do this.” And gradually, you will be able to accomplish your goals.
Always remember, hard work never goes unrewarded. All the best for exams!
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