The inquisitiveness of students to know the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of things should be encouraged by teachers even if they don’t know all the answers to their questions. This will encourage students to look for answers and thus increase their knowledge, advises Prof ML Bhan.
In consonance with the aspirations of the PM Modi for enhanced skill development all over the country, it is very much desirable to introduce a little of scientific temper in education – teaching at high and higher school level. The inquisitiveness of students to know the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of things should not be suppressed at all, even though it may not be possible for teachers to encourage and answer all in class or even outside. Students thus need to be encouraged to look for answers from books or others sources, if the teacher sometimes faults to respond completely or correctly. This type of education needs some more discipline, so that boundaries of respectful behaviour and dignified teaching are not crossed. Students should also not expect teachers to know all and should respectfully accept the limitation of teachers available. Students should always keep in mind that their questioning method should be respectful to teachers and in no way the questioning is made the tool for testing with intention of disregarding or teasing the teacher. Remember, essence of scientific temper is to know about how and why of all activities you do or see others doing around you. It will increase students’ knowledge in many fields, which can stand for good stead for their future life.
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