
BOOK REVIEW: The World’s Worst Teachers

Author       :   David Walliams
Illustrator   :  Tony Ross
Publisher   :   HarperCollins Children’s Books

There are some teachers we love and some we hate. But there’s also another category of teachers. These are the ones whom everyone hates, and can be described as ‘Worst Teachers.’ Meet some such teachers in David Walliams latest book, The World’s Worst Teachers.

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There’s Miss Spick who is a librarian and has been presented as a ‘terror’ for all students at her school. She collects fine from students for trivial reasons and no one is able to question her, not even her seniors (if any). Then there’s another story wherein the teacher, Miss Seethe is in her late 80s and dreams of becoming the headmistress of the school. The reason why she has not been able to realise her dream is because the current headmistress isn’t resigning despite being 99-year-old. She would thus vent her fury on poor students by giving them detentions. Add to this list of craziness is the story of Mr Pent. A Maths teacher who has a strange fixation with balls. Such is his dislike for spherical objects that he even locks up a student in a cupboard for two days simply because the boy’s head is round. Sounds hard to believe? Well, that’s what the book is full of – unimaginable stories of impossible teachers!

There are some stories that are pure fun, some you may shun. But every story in this book has been brilliantly illustrated in glorious colours, thus adding to the appeal.

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