
Eight Ways to Improve your Mental Efficiency

Some people are extremely brilliant, gifted with first class brains. They are the ones who usually top in any career. And then, there are some with very little intelligence, nearly ineducable.

However, most of the people lie somewhere between these two extremes. While we cannot increase the amount of intelligence with which we are endowed, we can certainly improve our mental performance. Here are eight ways which can help us in increasing our mental efficiency:

1. Develop the power of Observation

When we observe, notice things around us, we constantly give our minds something to work upon. It is thus important to develop our powers of observation. Remember, the great thinkers, scientists of the world have all been people who had mastered the art of observation.

2. Be Curious, Ask Questions

Don’t stifle your natural curiosity, and don’t be afraid of asking questions. When we stop asking questions to satisfy our curiosity, we take a step in the direction of mental degeneration. Asking questions will not only add to your knowledge, but will also keep your mind active and alert.

3. Be Open to Learning

Every day, we learn something new. We should be prepared to learn from anyone, irrespective of their sex, age, religion or status. In the words of the American poet and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Every man I meet is my superior in some way.” So, be open to learning.

4. Learn to Think

Work which involves thinking is usually something we avoid doing. That’s because we are naturally lazy and want to take an easy route. But if we are keen on improving our mental efficiency, then we must force ourselves to think. We can start by asking ourselves questions. For example, an earthquake took place in Delhi. Ask yourself questions like: Why did it occur? Has it happened before? Can it happen again and why?

5. Read Good Authors

By good, we mean read those authors who stimulate you to think, and have a good command of language. Ry reading classics, such as the works of Oliver Goldsmith, Charles Lamb, R. L. Stevenson, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and so on.

Sir Richard Steele once said, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” That is true provided we read those books which make demands upon our minds and enriches us in some way.

6. Study Mathematics

Ah! This is a tough one. But believe us, this is one of the best ways to nimbleness of mind and improving your powers of reasoning.

7. Develop Your Memory

By memory, we mean an ability to recall facts at specified times. Good memory is a much-coveted adjunct to mental efficiency. There are plenty of ways to improve your memory. For example, improve concentration by playing games. Use imagination to remember/ recollect things. Develop a positive attitude and instead of saying, “I have a poor memory,” say “My memory is improving.”

8. Improve Your Concentration

This is somehow similar to the above one. We must make a conscious effort to direct all our attention to the task in hand and not try to do two things at once. Try to reduce external distractions to a minimum when you are doing an important task, like studying etc.

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