
PM Launches Multiple Key Initiatives To Mark The First Anniversary Of NEP 2020

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today launched multiple initiatives in the education sector. He announced these initiatives while addressing policy makers in the domain of education and skill development, students and teachers, across the country via video conferencing, to mark the completion of one year of reforms under the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020).


  1. Artificial Intelligence programme to pave the way for AI-driven economy.
  1. NISHTHA 2.0 to provide training to teachers as per their needs. Also, they will be able to give their suggestions to the department.
  1. Academic Bank of Credit that will provide multiple entry and exit options for students in higher education.
  1. National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) and National Education Technology Forum (NETF) to provide a digital and technological framework to the entire country.

Highlights of the programme:

  1. Indian sign language, for the first time, has been accorded the status of language subject. Students will be able to study it as language also.
  1. First year engineering programmes in regional languages and guidelines for internationalization of higher education.
  1. The initiatives to be launched include Vidya Pravesh, a three month play based school preparation module for Grade 1 students; Indian sign language as a subject at secondary level; SAFAL (Structured Assessment For Analyzing Learning Levels), and a website dedicated to Artificial Intelligence.

What is SAFAL (Structured Assessment For Analysing Learning)?

SAFAL (Structured Assessment For Analysing Learning), is a competency-based assessment for grades 3, 5, and 8 introduced by CBSE. This is in line with the Para 4.40 of the  National Education Policy 2020 which recommends school examinations for all students in Grades 3, 5, and 8 to test achievement of basic learning outcomes, through assessment of core concepts along with relevant higher-order skills and application of knowledge in real-life situations, rather than rote memorization.

SAFAL will be used to assess the progress of foundational skills and basic learning outcomes/ competencies among students. SAFAL, as a diagnostic assessment, will provide developmental feedback to schools and teachers to improve teaching-learning without additional examination pressure on students. It has been designed to help students, parents, and teachers to track learning progress throughout the school years and not just in Grades 10 and 12. SAFAL results will not be used in any manner by schools for promotion of students to the next grade.

The key features of the assessment are outlined in the SAFAL video; and the details of the assessment are illustrated in its handbook.

SAFAL will be conducted on a pilot basis in CBSE schools for students in Grades 3, 5 and 8 during the academic year 2021-22, in key curricular areas of Language, Mathematics, and EVS/Science. CBSE invites affiliated schools to participate in SAFAL 2021-22. The details on the assessment and registration for SAFAL will be released on CBSE website in due course of time. For further details, visit

AI For All

It is a 4-hour, self-paced, micro-learning programme meant for everyone – a student, a stay-at-home parent, a professional in any field or even a senior citizen. It is divided into two sections – AI Awareness (1.5 hours) and AI Appreciation (2.5 hours). The segment on AI Awareness provides an elementary understanding of AI and its potential and pitfalls. The AI Appreciation segment helps learners get introductory knowledge of the common domainsof AI and start building personal learning plans.

The programme aims to introduce AI to 1 million citizens in its first year. To ensure inclusive access, it is available in 11 different vernacular languages for anyone with digital access. The content is also compatible with various talkback applications to make it accessible for visually impaired people.

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