Who doesn’t want to impress people? We all desire to be admired and popular. We all want to make a positive impression on other people. How do we do it? After all, not everyone has an attractive personality.
The good news, though, is that it isn’t tough to acquire an impressive personality. Here’re seven ways through which you can do it:
- Appearance
How we dress up leaves a lasting impression on the other person. It’s thus important to dress smartly and in a dignified manner especially when we are meeting strangers. Special care needs to be taken to ensure shoes are clean.
Besides the above, the most important part of our appearance is our face. We cannot change its shape but we can keep it clean and wear an agreeable look, that is, greet a person with a warm smile.
- Speech
Always maintain an eye-contact while talking. It signifies the confident you. The other essential of good speech is to speak clearly (each word pronounced properly), softly (neither too loud nor too soft keeping in mind the place where one is talking) and slowly (neither too fast nor too slow). If speech is inaudible or flat, then it’s worthwhile to enroll for a course.
- Humour
It is an asset if one is blessed with a sense of humour. But let’s remember, there is a difference between a humour and a good humour. We should be careful never to make any jokes that may hurt our listener(s). Also, never crack jokes about other people’s troubles, griefs or humiliations.
- Positive Attitude
We are not talking about false optimism or pretending that life is easy or problems do not exist. A positive attitude means looking for solutions instead of problems. It involves constructive way of looking at things and people. People who have positive attitude don’t put others down, they cheer people up, encourage and motivate them.
- Varied Interests
If our talk is centered only around 2-3 topics, we are likely to bore people who don’t share our interests. Hence, it’s important to acquire a good range of general information. Develop the habit of reading a newspaper daily; keep track of books, movies, latest net series or TV programme; read intelligent authors; travel or develop a hobby. The more varied our interest, the more chances of finding a common area of interest with almost everyone we meet.
- Showing interest in other people
It’s not just important to be well-versed with different topics/subjects. We also need to show interest in other people, their likes and dislikes. We are unlikely to impress people if we are not much aware about them. People will find us interesting only if we show interest in them.
- Health
Don’t we all get impressed if we see a fit person around? Fitness never runs out of fashion. It not only gives us a smart and confident appearance, but also keeps us happy as illness lowers vitality and may lead to pessimism or depression.
READ ALSO: Say goodbye to the ‘shy’ you
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