
Six ways to help your child with homework


Homework is one necessary evil without which, it is impossible to imagine a school life. Students usually hate it as it involves studying beyond the school hours. Plus, constant reminders by parents to finish the work further add to their woes, making the whole exercise boring and tiresome. Parents can play an important role in ensuring their wards enjoy doing homework and don’t treat it as a burden. Given below are six ways which will help parents inculcate a positive attitude among their children for the schoolwork:

1. Explain the importance of homework to your children

Often parents complain about the amount of work given by the school in front of their children. This may lead to a situation where the child looks at homework as a futile exercise. AS they say, schoolwork is given so as to help students better understand the subjects. Hence, parents need to watch their behavior, look at the assignment in a positive way and convey its importance or relevance to their child.

2. What’s the purpose of school assignment?

Ask your child’s teacher the purpose of homework, what are the rules/guiding philosophy behind the work. If the teacher asks you to play a role in the work, only then do it. Rest of the time, let the child handle the problems of his own. But be there to guide him.

3. Guide your child but don’t do his homework

Children often need help in finishing their school tasks. By all means guide them but restrain from doing their work. By doing their job, you are giving them an impression that when the going gets tough, you are there to solve their problems. This attitude won’t let them grow as an independent individual.

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4. Ensure a quiet, well-lit place for their work

We often find children sitting in front of TV or in living room and doing their homework. Avoid this practice as it leads to distraction among kids along with wastage of time. They need to concentrate while working to ensure they grasp the concept well.

5. Teach your children time management

Discourage the habit of doing the assignment just before bedtime. Help them set time each day for schoolwork. Sit with them and let them prepare their time table, don’t impose your timings. This way they will not only feel responsible but will also learn to manage their time better.

6. Reward your child

Let’s admit it, homework is a boring job. But since school life minus homework isn’t possible, the onus of making it interesting lies on parents. For example, treat your child if he/she finishes the work on time throughout the week. At the same time, it is important to keep a watch on him/her for signs of failure or frustration. Do not unnecessary burden the child but let homework be a smooth extension of school learning at home.

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