
Seven Ways To Stop Worrying About Exams

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Annual exams, school exams are around the corner. It’s that time of the year when not only students but also parents are stressed. Despite everyone telling students not to worry, it is tough, in fact nearly impossible, not to be nervous. How to concentrate while studying when nervousness is at peak? How do we stop worrying about exams?

Here are some ways which will help you to stop worrying:

  1. Take one day at a time: It is useless to worry about what will happen if you score less marks. No one knows what future has in store for you. So don’t let the thoughts about your future spoil your present. Overstraining will only harm your health.
  2. Never take your worries to bed: Is worrying about things, going to change anything? You are only going to spoil your health. Instead on constantly focusing on problem (marks in this case), think how and what can you do to solve it? Then work hard to put things right.
  3. Face it. Don’t run away from it: When worries trouble you, imagine the very worst that could happen. Ask yourself, what are you afraid of? Whatever (or however hard) it is, don’t run away from it. Don’t try to push it into the back of your mind or delay it for some other day. Because that won’t help. We tend to brood over our worries in our free time or when we are alone or tired. So face it now.
  4. Don’t refuse help: As the saying goes, ‘A worry shared is a worry halved.’ Don’t be afraid or shy or too proud to ask for help. It is important to talk. Talk it over with a counsellor or close friend or parent or anyone you trust. Discuss it frankly. You may be surprised with their answers.
  5. Night is the time to rest: While we all know that, how many of us are able to sleep properly during exams. With a tired mind, we are unlikely to score more marks. So try to sleep. Do it by forcing your mind to think of something else. For example, think of your best moments, jolliest holiday or your best friend. If you are unable to do that, try to concentrate on a painting, a ship sailing in a calm sea or a photo of God.
  6. Exercise: A nervous person lives in permanent state of tension, unable to relax, thus causing fatigue and irritability. Research has proved that mental or emotional tension causes physical/ muscular tension. Hence to treat mental tension, physical relaxation is a must. In fact, some experts emphasise on fatiguing sport. That’s because fatigue corrects the dysfunction of nerves and muscles caused by continuous nervous tension and helps muscles relax. (Read how these simple yoga asanas can help you concentrate better)
  7. Sleep: There is no better way to relax than sleep. Experts advice natural tiredness and good sleep as the best way of relaxing. Make it a point to sleep for at least six hours before your examination day. It is important to ensure your mind (and body) is not tired on the examination day.

READ ALSO: Five effective ways to remember things

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