CBSE on Thursday (May 8) announced that it would hold the remaining class X and XII exams between 1-15 July 2020. The exams were postponed in March due to corona virus pandemic. However, the decision to go ahead with the remaining exams has not gone down well among students who took to twitter to express their dissatisfaction with the board as well as HRD ministry.
Below are some reactions wherein citizens questioned the government as well as CBSE over this decision:
1. What’s the real purpose of education?
Very insensitive! When will India realise the real purpose of education! It is not about gaining some marks all the time. Let families be together and stop mentally tormenting the children
— surbhe verma (@surbhe) May 8, 2020
2. Are exams more important than students’ lives?
This is not the right decision sir…. Plzz promote the students of class 10th and 12th without taking exams?? what’s about our health sir?? Is study is more important than our health??
— Saniya Ansari (@SaniyaA10500935) May 8, 2020
3. Why not have entrance test for college admission instead of CBSE exam?
Best thing sir. The sub which are left make it compulsory for the universities to take entrance test so that all come in a justified light and the others have clat,neet,jee so it’s ok.
Main thing is our new session.
Pls— Srijon Banerjee (@SrijonBanerjee4) May 8, 2020
4. What about students who study in boarding schools and have returned home?
@PMOIndia Students of Boarding school have moved to their homes in different parts of the country, how can they go back to their respective schools in this situation. Kindly consider this and act accordingly.
— Vinay Bansal (@vsirsa) May 8, 2020
5. Prepare for College entrance or board exams – What should we do?
This is a very ridiculous decision. What should we study for College Entrances or Board Exams???
Please cancel the board exam as we have only 1 Paper left.
Is there any worth for students life.???— Krrish (@Krrish_Singh_07) May 8, 2020
6. What will happen to our college admission?
So what about result cbse had told they need around 2 months for it so in September we will get the results?? Our college are going to start from 1st Sept
— Rohit Dalal (@RohitDa26151370) May 8, 2020
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